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National Latina / Latino Commission

National Latina/Latino Commission for Community and Faith-Based Initatives will provide referrals for faith-based organizations on a broad range of Technical Assistance including assessment, infrastructural development, program design and development, research, evaluation, policy analysis, cultural audits, outreach assistance, and contract management support to  agency programs.  

The provision of the training and technical assistance needed by providers in serving Latino's is not a simple process. At the first level, these providers need access to consultants and trainers whose knowledge base includes the most recent research findings regarding behavioral and social interventions in each priority area. Second, a source of technical assistance and training is needed from a contractor that has already developed pre-existing relationships and networks that can be called upon to support the technical assistance effort. While organizations that currently provide services to Latino populations throughout the United States have unique technical assistance needs, the innovative Compassion Capital Fund Demonstration creates a need for an even more intense training and technical assistance component so that new and emerging faith and community-based providers will be equipped to offer effective programs of intervention to Latino clients.


NLLC will:

  • Assist in improving existing faith and community-based programs to better serve Latino populations.
    - Assess current programs and collateral resources to determine what improvements could be made and work with agencies to implement the improvement.
  • Assist Latino based agencies in conducting effective community outreach.
    -  Provide models for outreach and for materials, provide design and translation support for materials.
  • Increase cultural sensitivity and competence among agency staff.
    -  Provide onsite training on Latino cultural differences;
    - Offer courses to faith and community-based staff at various community sites in each state;
    - Provide pamphlets and other information to help agency staff understand the special issues in serving Latino populations.
  • Do referrals for agencies to identify systemic problems and find solutions that will allow them to operate more efficiently and effectively.
    Do referrals for technical assistance in analyzing agency operations, pinpointing trouble spots, developing strategies for organizational change that will make the agencies more effective.
  • Build capability and resources among agency board members.
    - Conduct board development seminars, emphasizing the role of non-profit boards and how members can build community support.
  • Do referrals for financial accounting methods, bookkeeping, and operational procedures for agencies who need it.
    - Review books, records, and procedures. Make recommendations. Help agencies decide whether and how much to automate accounting tasks.
  • Train Latino faith- based and community-based organizations to build community support and assemble effective boards of directors.
    - Provide  Referrals for consultation on the steps to creating a strong organizational structure.
    - Provide technical assistance in board training and community outreach.Train agencies in doing their own non-profit status.
Types of Technical Assistance
  • Support organizations in completing and submitting exemption and federal exemption applications.
  • Work with organizations to identify areas of unmet needs and to design and implement programs effectively address the needs.
    -  Provide tools and strategies for organizations to conduct assessments of needs, programmatic options available, unmet treatment needs, and to specifically identify the target population.
    -  Provide technical assistance in conducting assessments. Help new agencies establish an agency budget and overall funding plan.
    -  Provide technical assistance in building reasonable budgets and in developing strategies for funding programs in the N LLC priority areas.
  • Help agencies establish programs.
    -  Provide policy & procedures relating to staff; accounting, and management systems. Provide models for effective Latino-serving programs.
  • Create a mechanism for Latino-serving agencies to network and create a provider infrastructure.
    - Provide scheduled training sessions  on Skype, inviting participation from Latino-serving faith and community-based organizations.
  • Bring organizations together to address common issues and learn new strategies and responses to issues of regional significance.
    -  Conduct regional training sessions that will combine training in techniques and skills for serving Latino populations with a discussion of changes in population, immigration patterns, employment,etc. That may be impacting service providers in areas such as loneliness, poverty, hunger, etc.
  • Bring Latino-serving agencies together to address the change in the regulatory and judicial climates, changes in funding steams, and population distribution.
    -  Use regional training sessions to bring together agencies to analyze the changes in the United States that are impacting both the Latino populations and the agencies the are providing services to them.
    -  Develop joint strategies that will help ensure agencies can continue to operate effectively and serve clients.
  • Increase the availability of current related research and materials to Latino-serving organizations both manually and electronically.
    -  Build a Latino Materials Library/Resource Center and publicize the availability of materials to participating Latino-serving organizations; and
    -  Create and maintain the internet-training/TA courses.
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